Saturday, March 17, 2012

Scarves Galore!

I have my second batch of scarves in the washer as I'm typing.  I mostly printed or painted these.  I can't wait to see how these come out of the wash!

These are both rayon scarves that I printed- the left with a stamp I carved a few years ago while the fabric was wrinkled, and the right with a foam roller.  I plan to overdye the one on the left, I'm hoping the other one will be good right out of the wash.  I've got four silk and another rayon scarf in the wash with these.

Five more rayon scarves to go, and about a dozen silk.  Then I need to get started with the paintstiks so they have plenty of time to cure!

1 comment:

Renate said...

I really like the one on the left! and what a novel idea to stamp the scart while it was wrinkled. Hmmm, a technique to remember for future.